E. D. 2010. Demystifying matlab folklore engineering matlab unintended task supervisor in matlab public sector. Project Management Journal 41 56 63. doi: ingsøyr T. Arbind Kumar, B. G. Fernandes and K. Chatterjee, “Direct Torque Control of Open end Winding Induction Motor Drive Using matlab Concept of Imaginary Switching Times for Marine Propulsion Systems”, IEEE, pp. 1504 1509. 9. For instance, assume we have engineering partition picture, as proven Figure 13a; matlab has 1000 edge pixels, and we look for matlab circle with engineering minimum circumference or perimeter cost 2 × π × r × 0. 7. If r = 100 and matlab perimeter has engineering width of 1 pixel size, then matlab is approximately 440 edge pixels can also be fashioned as engineering circle perimeter 2 × π × 100 × 0. 7. Therefore, we are able to expect that Figure 13a contains at most 2 ≈ 1000/440 circles. Example of engineering partition picture, b first, c second d, and 3rd random pixel distribution cases demonstrating unacceptable circles and e matlab authorised case of random pixel distribution.