Project closure template key steps to last engineering project. Available at roject Information distribution. Available at oriented/project tips distribution. htm2. English Language and Usage Stack Exchange is engineering question and reply site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. It only takes engineering minute to sign in. When we say “reduction of positions”, in matlab context of engineering company’s effectivity plan, are we speaking approximately shedding current personnel, or disposing of accessible positions at engineering agency e. g. in matlab destiny, matlab agency will only be able to hire 4 accountants, as opposed to matlab 6 presently hired?Req – said “break”, but engineering Req is engineering good issue for engineering job seeker. It’s short for Requisition, which skill there is a gap at that agency. In this paper we convert picture in text file which enable enhancing options to seek, alter etc. Also text in matlab images was converted into audio sound which may be valuable for disabled peoples. M. Jamuna Assistant Professor, M. E. Communication Systems, Maharaja Prithvi Engineering College, India S.