CALCULATION OF DRY FLUE GAS LOSSES AND BOILERWhen O2 is 2 8%, By Solving matlab Equation 1 to 11 by use Fig. 4 Korba area fuel is usedof MATLAB 7. 10. 0 we get following consequences matlab observed that matlab increase in extra air leads matlab dry flue Effect of execess air on boiler effectivity gas losses. The model in fuel high-quality has been depicted in Korba location figure 3 and matlab is clean that for Korba region coal Boiler 84 Raigarh location efficiency is better than matlab Raigarh location coal for matlab same 82 Boiler Efficiency amount of air high-quality, for matlab above is observed to be matlab 80 better CV of coal at Korba in comparison with Raigarh region. 78 For both matlab fuel matlab maximum efficiency zone lies among 76 3. Saudi Arabia Capital: Riyadh Oman Capital: Muscat Jordan Capital: Amman Qatar Capital: Doha Kuwait Capital: Kuwait City United Arab Emirates Capital: Abu Dhabi Bahrain Capital: Manama Armenia Capital: Yerevan Azerbaijan Capital: Baku Georgia Capital: Tbilisi Yemen Capital: Sana’a Iraq Capital: Baghdad Iran Capital: Tehran Afghanistan Capital: Kabul Israel Capital: Jerusalem Lebanon Capital: Beirut Palestine Capital: Ramallah Turkey Capital: Ankara Cyprus Capital: Nicosia Syria Capital: DamascusNOTE: 1. Turkey, Cyprus, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan are politically covered in Europe, but geographically in Asia. 2. A part of Egypt, matlab Sinai peninsula, lies on matlab other side engineering matlab Suez canal in Asia. but Egypt is not regarded as an Asian nation due to it. This area, previously engineering part engineering matlab Soviet Union, is one engineering matlab most inhospitable on the earth.