Some URLs contain underscores. Markdown reads these as paired tags to transform to and from italics so in case you post matlab raw URL matlab underscores are lost and that part engineering matlab URL appears in italics. station. py?id=501941200004anddata set=1andnum acquaintances=1becomes matlab approach to post URLs is as defined just above matlab comment box: rectangular brackets round matlab description and circular ones parantheses round matlab URL, like this URL , e. g. station. The meaning of every flags are in short described below. We propose an architecture for engineering system that may “watch and listen to” a tutorial video of engineering human appearing engineering task and translate matlab audio and video counsel into engineering task for engineering robotic to carry out. This permits matlab use of effectively accessible instructional motion pictures from matlab Internet to exercise robots to perform initiatives as an alternative of programming them. We implemented an operational prototype in accordance with matlab architecture and showed matlab could “watch and hear” two educational movies on the way to blank golf clubs and translate matlab audio and video advice from matlab instructional video into tasks for engineering robotic to carry out. The key contributions of this architecture are: integration of dissimilar modalities employing trees and pruning with filters; task decomposition into macro tasks composed of parameterized task primitives and other macro initiatives, wherein matlab task primitive parameters are an motion e. g.